FS: White Scout Car 260237
Montag, 25. Januar 2010 by Christoph
In Queensland, Australien, gabs einen fast kompletten White Scout Car zu ersteigern (Verkaufspreis AUD 5'850):
Rick Cove hat noch folgendes rausgefunden:

Here is a WW2 military White Scout Car it rolls rear body is there which is unusual as they are normally cut off. and the concrete roller out front is in good order also unusual it has no motor or gearbox only a radiator, there are various body panels about 500 kgs. a correct spare bonnet I will list these panels shortly in the hope someone can identify them any.
Chassis number 260237 is a 4x4 has nothing of the drive train between front and rear diffs, no gauges nor anytthing that lives on the fire wall ther ea re 2 or 3 complete original bonnet s no doors, 2 spares rims plus variou sheet metal panels the rear body retains the sling ring (for the mounted gun to runaround on inside) up to where the door ways are, it looks as though body was cut thru the doorways and removed i have a tilt tray so can help loading and transport if desperate.
Okay with the photos you will see body panels tha form th eside there at least two of each , there are at 3 bonnets , there are smaller parts. 2/3 hubs with greased labels still on them steering column and wheel as per photo the inside photos reveal original hooks and the gun rail tool boxes . some of the floor will need to be replaced One photo has a mass of small parts..... only those that are white are included anything that is Bren is not and as such are being kept.
Rick Cove hat noch folgendes rausgefunden:
This White Scoutcar is one modified to an Armoured Observation Post for the Australian Army during WW2. It was attached to an Artillery Unit. The Australian Army Registration Number was 123678 and it was fitted with a 320cubic inch, Hercules 6 cylinder sidevalve engine. The original engine number was 1308790. This scoutcar was disposed of on 07th March 1958. Please hand this information on to the sucessful bidder and assk them to contact me so that I can keep the register up to date. Thank you, Rick Cove.